TQ (Singel 542, Amsterdam)
Singel 542, Amsterdam
All you need to know
16:00 Walk-in & drinks
16:15 Opening
16:30 New ways - unexpected collaboration angles
17:15 When Goliath meets David – get into the collaboration mode
18:00 Networking drinks
Because TQ is located in the city center of Amsterdam, we recommend taking public transport to the venue. If coming by car, the closest parking garage is the NH Carlton parking garage.
"Large organizations could be wasting a significant growth opportunity because of their inability to effectively collaborate with startups." We call them David and Goliath culture gaps. Read more about it in Accenture's report.
The innovator’s path is never easy. Developing next-gen delighters is an exhilarating challenge. But there is no need to do it alone. Your innovative capacity is never limited to the boundaries of your organization. Look beyond them, and you’ll find a wealth of new opportunities waiting for you.
This is the core purpose of Innovation Scouting. To go beyond inspiration. To explore the market and identify the most promising innovative start-ups active today. To facilitate matchmaking and move toward unique collaborations, visionary experiments and tangible benefits by aligning radical new solutions with your goals.
Come and kick-off your adventure by visiting the Innovation Deepdive at TQ and discover how partnering up with start-ups will lead the way.